What a nice weekend. I've been coasting on low-mo (low motivation) for a few weeks now--hence the lack of blogging among other things--but with my boys gone on separate camping trips this weekend, I had some time to myself and got reconnected. I have 2 old friends that I rarely get to see but will always feel close to: dark-haired Alicia (who recently moved from Colorado to outside Chicago and looks wonderful after just having baby #4 a couple of months ago) and my "twin" Keely (who lives a couple of hours up the interstate and is in the second year of raising Gabe, her beautiful boy from Ethiopia). I met these girls in graduate school over 10 years ago. We lingered over dinner at Metropolitan Grill, exchanged early and belated birthday gifts, laughed and shared and commiserated and caught up. I must see them again soon. It did me good to be with friends I don't have to explain myself to.

I set out with another kindred spirit, my sweet Barb, for some antiquing and lunch today. We browsed Leola's and Barb bought a great old box to store some family heirlooms she recently acquired: her mom and dad's letters to one another during the War and her great-great-grandfather's journals dating back to the 1860s. I had a headache and didn't buy much but saw lots of lovely things.