I went for it last week and painted the front door black, and then I applied the vinyl address I ordered even though the instructions suggested I let the paint "cure" for 3 weeks before doing so. I am impatient and haphazard when it comes to projects, I guess, which is why I took photos as the evening was rolling in tonight--the paint dried in all sorts of different textures and the door still needs some work. But I'm happy with the overall look.

I couldn't resist the ferns outside all the stores around here for the last few weeks--I've put them in urns and pots and buckets. With all the rain we've been getting everything is so green and plush. I'll be adding some annuals to the front flower beds, maybe for some color, but I'll probably end up going with my favorite, hardy white begonias.

Another haphazard project move led to the purchase of this new rug. I worked on painting my porch swing a couple of weekends ago, just put a tarp under it and painted it on the chains. Ryan asked me to help chase Booker down for a bath and when I got back to the swing the wind had blown the tarp and dumped the can of black paint all over that end of the porch. Not thinking it all through, I used some paint remover on the black spot, which took up the paint and also took up the concrete stain. So there's a big acid washed spot under the rug, but now that I see it there it looks like I needed a rug in that area all along.

Someday I'd like to have a tree planted on this left side of the yard, something big like a sugar maple or something, and the sidewalk needs something soft and puffy like monkey grass along the edges. We've got stacked brick retaining walls at the end of the yard toward the street that really need ivy or something cascading over them, too. I've also got to replace the spiral bush on the porch swing side to match the one near the garage. It bit the dust (spider mites?) and Ryan finally pulled it up last weekend. Landscaping: so much work. Manual labor. I have to get really fired up for it and that doesn't happen very often. That or shell out for someone else to do it, and I am not at all opposed to that.

The backyard needs lots of attention, too, but it is looking better than in years past because we have the stairs off the back patio now. I put in some homemade flower beds and plan to try moonflowers trained to climb the lattice. When my neighbor's house burned down last summer he let me dig up all the hostas in his backyard before the place was bulldozed. They've come back in full force despite my hasty planting. I'll plant some annuals in with those and mulch in the next few weeks. I'll probably move those stepping stones, also salvaged from the burned house and plopped there.

More ferns flanking the doors to our storage area under the house, which people around here call a John Deere Room. I recently laid the little concrete porch, and my father-in-law is kindly constructing me the most fabulous potting bench from salvaged wood that I'll be placing nearby.

The picture of the back patio is dark but hides all the debris blown around from our last round of storms. Our house backs up to woods and it's almost impossible to keep the patio clear of all the tree droppings that fall. I moved my iron bakers rack from McKinney, Texas out back and put some dwarf Alberta spruces in planters on each side. I had envisioned twinkle lights out back since we moved in and there they are. I want to put some succulents in little pots on the rack and I'll do some votives, too.
Hayley, your door looks fabulous. We have a black door and I think they look so classy. and the No., makes your house look like New Orleans or Charleston. LOVE it!! Heading to the Seed Box tomorrow, have a great weekend! xoxo Debra
From here the front door looks great! :) I've tried to have ferns here but just way too dry so they never survive. The rug looks great on your front porch. Sounds like you tackle projects just like I do. I get an itch to do it and just go for it. Sometimes the results involve a few little accidents in the process. :/ Hope you have a great weekend. Tammy
Hayley I love the black door! Your yard and porch looks fabulous too! My door is white, so I ordered black letters for my house number, but I am thinking of painting it green, a real pretty bright green, what do you think? Should I leave it white? Have a good weekend!
Love your Door! Your Home is Absolutely Fabulous, Love all the special touches you have added, Not just a House, a Beautiful HOME!
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