12 June 2008

Shabby Shelf Vignette

Another vignette in my favorite black and white. The chippy two-tier shelf is one of my all-time favorites. I got it at a flea market in Clinton, Missouri and then piled it with some of my favorite little treasures--a cute pair of baby shoes that my mother says I also had when I was a little girl, a pair of cute little gloves, a funeral card from 1895 I got for $1 at a flea market in Bolivar, a Cloverine Salve tin, some more old photos, a milk glass tray full of sparkly buttons and some little dominoes, some mini furniture I got at the annual Springfield Garage Sale at the Expo center, and metal letters spelling FAMILY that I bought on ebay and were well worth the bidding war. I got the class photo hanging below it for about $18 at Riverview Antiques in Ozark. The photographer's stamp says Monett, Missouri, but there is no year listed. I love it. I have a couple of postcard-sized class photos, too, which I am drawn to maybe because I am a teacher but also because they take me back to another time in education(and fashion and life) so different from what I know. This arrangement is hanging on a small wall outside my office/craft room in the hallway to our guest room and bath, and I stop to look at it time and time again. It just makes me smile.

1 comment:

The Nester said...

love the shelf and you are so right about the letters, I have a feeling that they were worth whatever you paid for them!

Welcome to bloggerville!


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