12 June 2008

A bloomin' mess

I finally got around to going to the garden center today to get plants for all my containers. I had already planted out our windowboxes in the front and my flower bed down the side of our house but still had an ugly collection of empty terracotta pots out back that needed filling. The garden center had everything 50% off and I kind of went overboard, as you can see. I worked most of the evening and my back is already aching. I'll post the "after" shots with some others of the outside of our little cottage tomorrow, but thought I'd go ahead and post these of Macauley "helping" me. I was lost in my own tasks and then turned around to find that he had dumped an entire pot of old soil out on the driveway, mixed in some landscaping gravel and water and made the biggest mess for me to deal with. I eventually got about half of it swept away, but I'm hoping the rain that is forecasted for tonight and tomorrow will show up and wash away the rest. Boys are messy. But also adorable, as you can see in the impromptu sidewalk chalk art from the evening. On the top is a cat with the bright sun shining down on her; on the bottom is that same kitty after "an ice cream cone just flew through the air and bommed down on her face" (per artist's description).

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