17 February 2009

Love sick

Poor Macauley spent most of his long Valentine's weekend (we were off school Monday) feeling sick to his stomach. He acted really tired starting Friday evening, almost so tired he couldn't keep his head up during our family Valentine dinner at Nakato, for which Miss Megan from next door came along. He barely ate and just wanted to be held.

He mostly laid around on Saturday, but wasn't really showing any sure symptoms of anything, until that evening...He was sacked out on the loveseat when I took his sweet, sleepy picture (Which do you think is worse to have on your furniture--drool or dog hair? Notice we have both.) about 10:00. Not too long after I noticed he was kind of blowing spit bubbles in his sleep so I picked him up and only made it as far as the kitchen sink before he threw up all over me. I couldn't decide whether to stay at the sink or try to make the bathroom before the next one came, and in my hesitation I ended up gettting a couple more bursts all over me. I have to say it didn't bother me one bit. Isn't that just amazing that what your own kids do really doesn't gross you out? What a Valentine surprise, though. We both got in the shower while Ryan dealt with the kitchen floor. Macauley was tired again on Sunday but didn't throw up until about 10:00 again. Then yesterday he woke up (we let him sleep on the floor next to our bed since it was the weekend and he was sick) and popped up to my side of the bed with big smile and said, "Well, good morning Mom! Guess what? I'm not sick anymore!" So he spent a large part of the day next door playing with Megan while I did some more putting away and rearranging upstairs. Driving home from errands after school today, we were talking about his upcoming class field trip, the little stuffed animal I left out with his clothes this morning, and if Megan could come over to play when we got to the house (answer: yes). Macauley got quiet, kind of sank back in his seat and said with a sigh, "I just love my life." I just love his life, too.

1 comment:

Audi Sue said...

Ahh he is such a sweet kid.... Too bad he was sick this weekend....


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