Macauley and I went to St. John's this afternoon to meet baby Grant, the very new son of my very old friend Tonya. Grant was born a little before midnight last night and we got to hang out with him for a bit on his very first day in this big world. Macauley was in charge of the camera at the hospital, which is why you can barely see the little guy. Tonya and I were inseperable our entire 8th grade year, and remained friends all through high school and the many years since. Now we're both moms...

We took him a gift of comfy onesies and pants, and one of my favorite things to have when Macauley was born: baby gowns. They made diaper changes in the middle of the night so easy.

Macauley took lots of pictures of the room, and asked me several questions about how Grant got here and how the yellow machine to my left got milk for the baby...He is too inquisitive to go for made-up, half-hearted answers, so I told him I would explain it all to him sometime soon when it was just the two of us...

The new parents on my birthday last summer at Kandi's wedding, blissfully unaware that in less than a year's time, their world would be completely changed. For the better. Grant's a little cutie. Just perfect.
1 comment:
I am soo jelous of you... I am going to go by tomorrow night I think and see her.. I had VBS all last week and couldn't make it up to see her...
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