I made some sweet tea this morning and put it in a pitcher from my grandparents' house in Muskogee, a pitcher I remember being on the counter (and filled with sweet tea) at all family gatherings when I was growing up with my cousins and aunts and uncles. The pitcher is actually tea-stained on the inside from years of use, but when my Aunt Debbie was cleaning out my grandparents' house a year or so ago, I asked if I could have it. I washed it out the best I could today so I could use it for the first time and think of my Nanny and Papaw and their house in the country, and of all the family who have always known me even if we don't see each other very often any more. It's kind of a piece of where I come from...
I recognized that pitcher immediately. Now, you just need some pot roast, potatoes and carrots to go with it. And, mix in a few pesky cousins!
My mom has the a very similar pitcher. Only came out for special times. Thanks for comment on our blog. Love your junk
Hayley, I don't know which part of Dallas you will be in, but Athens and Malakoff are east traveling on Hwy. 175(Hawn Fwy.) about an hour away from where I am. I live in the very far Southeast corner of Dallas, close to Mesquite and Seagoville. In fact, you have to pass the exit to my house on the way to Athens!
If you get to W&T at 10am, you should have time to run over to Curious Goods and Lily's and be back before 2p.m. I'll be at Winnie's working that morning on my space!
If you come through McKinney on your way down, be sure and stop into Smitten...that's where the Patina Green girls have a space. Gorgeous rusty crusty stuff!
Here's my e-mail debdann@att.net if you need more directions.
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