The powers that be out there that market clothing or decide what stores should sell have it totally figured out...put characters beloved in childhood by the parents on clothes and those nostalgic parents will buy them for their own kids. Such was the case with Smurfs tee I found at Target the other day and didn't even hesitate before throwing it in the cart.

As I was helping him get the shirt on to go to Incredible Pizza with Aunt Linds and Tyson's family last week, he said, "Mom, wouldn't it be funny if these were called Sniffs instead of Snurfs? Like you sniff your nose?" I told him that the
SMurfs were a favorite of my sisters and mine growing up, when cartoons were only on Saturday mornings and not round the clock on twenty channels like they are now. When they were something special. A treat. He wasn't all that interested until I explained that the Smurfs were so small they lived in little mushrooms and that an evil human named Gargamel and his cat Azrael hunted them to make stew out of. Ryan is looking for some episodes to download for him. But he won't experience it the way my sisters and I did, in one episode a week, on the RCA console TV my family had for years, with a wooden case that made the television a piece of actual furniture...
The little shirt sent me into quite the blue-tinged reverie over at http://www.bluebuddies.com/, where I found all sorts of info on characters and storylines I had totally forgotten. I also took the Which Smurf are You? Quiz and found it to be quite the psychological inventory. Some fun memories...
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